Moldovan interns spotlighted in Kansas newspaper

2017-09-29T11:09:13-06:00September 29th, 2017|

Six interns from Moldova who spent several weeks in Kansas recently received some attention from the local newspaper. The Miami County Republic published an article this week detailing the experiences of Tatiana Danilescu, Anastasia Donica, Vitalie Marian, Marina Moraru, Nicolae Pascaru, and Aliona Sarbu. The law interns from Moldova traveled to the United States in

TLI delegation visits Kharkiv, Ukraine ahead of upcoming academic year

2017-09-14T10:41:34-06:00September 14th, 2017|

A delegation from The Leavitt Institute for International Development recently traveled to Kharkiv, Ukraine, to meet with university partners and discuss cooperation for the upcoming academic year. The meeting September 8 included Lorne Grierson, TLI president, along with Ukraine country director Sviatoslav Tkachuk and Ukraine deputy country director Kseniia Tkachuk. This year in the

TLI interns return to Moldova after 3-week visit to Utah

2017-09-08T11:23:59-06:00September 4th, 2017|

After spending time in Utah learning about democracy and sound legal principles, a group of 11 interns has returned home to Moldova to put into practice what they gleaned from their three-week internship. During their time in the United States -- which was sponsored by The Leavitt Institute for International Development (TLI) -- the group

TLI announces expansion into 3 countries

2017-09-08T11:25:26-06:00September 4th, 2017|

The Leavitt Institute for International Development is excited to announce an expansion into several new countries as part of its mission to promote democratic principles, ethics, and the rule of law. Effective this fall, the Institute will begin working in Poland and Romania and resume its efforts in Ukraine. The Institute will continue to maintain

Kansas newspaper reports on 2016 TLI interns

2017-09-08T11:27:05-06:00September 4th, 2017|

A Kansas newspaper published an article about TLI's 2016 interns working in Miami County. The article noted the interns stayed in Kansas for several weeks learning about the U.S. legal system. Judge Steven Montgomery, a member of The Leavitt Institute for International Development's board of directors, worked with the group from Moldova. The article stated,

Alberta justice stretches across borders

2017-09-08T11:29:08-06:00September 4th, 2017|

A member of the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service traveled to Moldova to help a student exchange program reinforce the rule of law. Lethbridge chief Crown prosecutor Bill Wister spent two weeks in eastern Europe with the Leavitt Institute, an organization of legal professionals dedicated to the development of democratic liberties in developing nations. The

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